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Welcome to HappinessHealthCourage
Unlocking Your Strengths to Live Life with Courage and Joy

We Are Now Providing Wrap Around Community Based Services 

Life coaching and behavioral services to assist the youth and family in a community-based setting.  

Life Coaching & Behavior Support Services Through Evidence Based Practices

It is not easy to seek outside supports when things in your life are not going right. Many people sometimes feel as if they can handle situations on their own, manage their stress, and make hard decisions that could possibly affect their life negatively. Please know, that referring to other people for help or support does not mean you cannot handle your own life, but that you are ready for a change, and want the best support towards living a meaningful fulfilling life. 




Life is something else isn't it. Just when you think you have all the answers, situations occur that just knock you off your feet. Why is it when things always seem to be going good, and you feel like your life is in order, the unexpected happens. Whether it is money, relationships, work, kids, traumatizing events from your past, being overworked, underpaid, overwhelmed, and not feeling as if your life has a purpose, you have came to the right place. 

HappinessHealthCourage, LLC also specializes in community forums, events, and training's in Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities. For more information or booking please refer to the contact page. 

Behavior is a CANT DO or WONT DO. If it is a CANT DO, motivate and teach. If it is a WONT DO, check, redirect, and motivate. NOTHING IN LIFE IS IMPOSSIBLE
one day or day one
You Decide.

Seeking outside support is not always easy. Let me be the first to tell you. Many people feel as if their problems are not so bad, that they don't need any help. Many people feel like the money it takes to receive coaching, they can keep it, and work on their problems themselves. But look at it from this perspective. You spend money on food because you have to eat. Eating is not something you choose to do, its something you have to do to survive, and when you do not eat, your body and mind changes, with nothing to feed off of, and eating energizes you to move forward in your daily living. So does life coaching, life coaching feeds your mind body and soul. Life coaching provides that level of support where you are able to have a clearer vision, work with, and move past any barrier that was keeping you from being your best self. Just like you have to eat to live, you have to release those barriers in your life that cloud your vision. When you cannot think clearly, when you procrastinate, when you are overwhelmed, when you are emotional, when you are seeing a decline in your health, finances, and relationships, and your vision is not clear. You cannot function properly with stressors in your life, or unhealthy behaviors, and in turn this can cause a ripple effect, and impact every other aspect of your life. 

Life coaching is the best investment anyone can make for themselves. It is the step you take before your life gets so overwhelming causing mental health issues such as depression, and anxiety. Let HappinessHealthCourage, LLC assist you in working through those issues, and breaking those barriers. Make a change today, so you can move forward in your life, and walk into a future of happiness and fulfillment. 

At HappinessHealthCourage, LLC we truly believe that children are the future. But, at times just like adults, children face challenges that they are unaware of, and don't know how to explain or communicate with the appropriate people. In turn, children engage in problematic behaviors in school, community settings and the home. This makes it hard for them to properly learn in school, interrupts and disturbs classroom settings, community settings, and causes disturbance and confusion in the home, and among family members. HappinessHealthCourage, LLC can assist in identifying the cause of these problems, work with the kid and family to come up with a support plan, and coach the kiddo in the decrease of these behavioral problems. We work in school settings, residential settings and community settings, whatever is the family/legal guardians' preference. 

Please refer to the coaching services for further information and billing information. 

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